Friday and Two Harbors is getting busy. We've seen one or two other AZ boats and more will be coming today for the BBQ tonight and beach party tomorrow. The campers, friends of George, are leaving as this is written, with the noon ferry to Long Beach.
We hiked to their camp last night where they had Smores going and a beautiful view of the anchorage and the sunset. Saw at couple of deer on the walk, working their way down slope, likely to graze on the ball diamond during the darkness.
We were all done at about 9:30pm and got a harbor tender back to "Heat Wave" where we collapsed into bunks. I picked up my Louis L'Amour
book while soon some even snoring lead from the V-berth.
There was a left-over slop from breeze that day but I could not keep my eyes open and drifted off. Got up once or twice to silence a slapping halyard, the swinging rudder or some other annoying noise.
It's very beautiful here, the nearly bare mountains leading down to a tiny village in a cluster of fan palms. Looks to me like the south Pacific but everyone just laughed at that suggestion.
More later,

-- Post From My iPhone